Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Black Pirates

As I fell asleep...I fell in a dream...I dreamt a phantasm...fantastic it seemed...there were pure impressions...of fair phantom boys...a reason,a meaning, a truth to employ...and pirates man,Black Pirates...The pirates were powerful...looking alike,black beards...with black mustaches,silk shirts...with black to the calf...and a sword at their side..quite handsome with beautiful...piercing brown eyes...these pirates man,Black Pirates...the boys were divers...but beautiful too...some orange and some black...some red and some blue...half naked and slender...age eighteen or more...and each had a some spiritual door...through pirates man, Black Pirates...The stage was a ship...and the scene was the sea...the boys they were all be set kissed hugged me and cried...the others all gathered...and stood at my side...And pirates man,Black Pirates...They each told their story...of lifes disarray...their waywardness,backslides...that lead them astray...they seemed to all blame themselves...lost all those years...and finding themselves...avowed all their fears...of pirates man Black Pirates...Then the boys cheered as...a wave hit the ship...the sea it was roaring...the mass cracked and split...The banner was blowing...the cross bones and skull...the sky was amiss with...frightened sea gulls...and pirates sang, Black Pirates...One boy told his story of loves...misalliance so wicked and roue'...he hung his head down...he told how he loved...but suppressed his own joy...for the love he expressed...was addressed to a boy...and pirates man, Black Pirates...I simply agreed...then called him a whore...a prostitute maybe...if the game was a bore...but if he still loved him...and his love was true...each caress and each kiss...was paid for and pirates man, Black Pirates...He secretly touched me...and called me a dove...He whispered it's you...the one that I love...He clumsily kissed me...his mouth warm and soft...He said he had found all..the dreams he had lost...of pirates man,Black Pirates...Then one boy's my turn now...I'm innocent quiet and chaste...with no doubt...I never speak I never am heard...I could guide this ship...if I just had the pirates can,Black Pirates...And then all the pirates...they gathered around...still handsome and rugged...and bearded but frowned...with gold in their teeth...and rings in their ears...they challenged the drown all his fears..."If you can guide us...then you walk the plank...swim out to the ocean...the last kid he sank...but you quiet boy...may just have the get pass the an ocean that pirates can,Black Pirates...He quietly walked cross the wobbling plank...and as he dove in...I felt myself sank...down in a sea of platial sights...great corals and reefs...schools of fish scaly bright...We breathed through the water...I swam with the boy...deeper and two sunken caves underwater...where mermaids are found...we saw Neptune's daughters...on the deep ocean ground...They pulled him away and undressed him in one pulled his pants...right down off his hips...his sandals one snatched them...right off with a thrust...and the sea it was filled ...with a sweet boyish musk...The scent that it carried...enticed the mermaids...enraptured and raunchy...they raped him and raved...then this quiet boy...swam back to me...and spoke of the pleasures...he found in the sea...Then Pirates came Black Pirates...Suddenly we were on sand and on shore...the pirates were there...with the other dream core...the boy from the ocean...he lay in my arms...both naked and fresh from...the deep and unharmed...the boys from the ship...all rushed to my side...the once innocent boy...he became our that we found ourselves on dry land... the pirates and boys...all joined as one band...A pirate said"There will be treasure to find"...A boy said"that's great,a treasure,what kind?"..."A treasure's a treasure" growled the pirate, "who cares?"..."A treasure is burden" the boy said, "so beware ...wild pirates wild black pirates...I once was a treasure...a prince to be king...but I was kidnapped like a bird... and de-winged... you can't fly away...when you've no wings to spread...and if you can't fly...your just as good dead." Then the pirate he laughed...and questioned, "Where's your heart?...Someone give him a sword...for his words they have smart...they've pierced me and the depths of my I'll stick him...and see if his heart...comes out gold For I'm a Pirate...and fear to behold"...Suddenly sombody tossed...him a sword...The boy picked it up...held it in accord...But he was no match for ...the pirate so strike and...the boys tender was pierced...damned pirates DAmned black pirates...His heart was pushed out...through his back bloody red...he clung to the was clear he was dead...but these are the last words...he whispered and is my now have my soul...and the heart on the tip of the sword...turned pure gold...Oh pirates You Black Pirates...He raised up the boy...on the sword to the air...The boy slid to the hilt...his face young and fair...then his face turned the pirates were there...Then the pirates realized...why the boy said beware...The boy sprung to the face of the pirate...he embraced the man...and said I will not die yet...a phantom I am so I'll float...onto you...then will spend my heart...for the gold...that it's due...Then each of the boys...walked into the pirates...they all became one...then so did the pirates...they merged to one man...and he walked towards me...he smiled as he echoed...I'll float into thee...The land and sea we floated in and the pirate in air face to face...I woke up this morning...with old pirate scars ...I feel like a boy...but I'm fierce and I'm hard...I love who I want to...and keep all my dreams...I'm rich in my heart...and I know what love means...And deep in the ocean...There're mermaids that glow...waiting for me...if too lonly I grow...and if I'm in trouble...well I've got a ship...that flies Skull and Cross-bone ...and that ship is equipped...with pirates man...Black Pirates...Later that day as I walked heart became empty...and cried out this song...It sang I am empty...and bitter and blue...of pirates and boys and dreams so this dream I was lonly...all I knew was myself...of love I knew nothing...but that that I I walked along in a gray day so blue...I found a new love...a real love that's true...The boys were reflections...of me in myself...the pirates protection...from things that I felt...The love that I found...outside of my dreams...Is found in my Savior...Who's real by all means...As phantoms of boys...would float into me...and pirates like gohst became what I'd be...Jesus my Savior...saved me...just in time...from the boys...and the pirates...the cross-bones and crime...The love of this Jesus...the Christ King of Kings...saved me from myself...and the phantom, of dreams

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Dane...enaddankut: As Long As There's An Oppressor

Dane...enaddankut: As Long As There's An Oppressor: "As long as there's an oppressor...somewhere we'll find the oppressed...and rich men wanting power...will put the gun to the test.......A sol..."

As Long As There's An Oppressor

As long as there's an oppressor...somewhere we'll find the oppressed...and rich men wanting power...will put the gun to the test.......A soldier boy from hometown...will always lose his life...believing he's protecting...his country, his children, his wife......His children become fatherless...his wife will still be taxed...his country justifies his death...while leaders hide the facts.......They tell us war is necessary...maybe this is true...but war is never truly war...until that war hits you...We should be educated...and civilized and bright...but we can't solve a problem...without a real good fight.......We're lost in prejudice and war, poverty and drugs...and don't like to be reminded...we reason just like thugs...How can we reform the crook...give him prison time...when the means we use to get results...are synonymous to crime.......What is sociology, psychology,just words?...Where is our philosophy, our courage, patience, nerve?...Do we only value humane life...just when the stakes aren't high...Is our last consideration war?...Do our leaders lie?...Through peace some men have proved love,Gandhi, King, and Christ that mountains can be moved...without taking other life...but maybe those are'nt  good examples...because they killed them too...No wonder there are few true leaders...with those rewards would you?.......So we wait till we've destroyed...a hundred million souls...and blame it on one foolish man...and claim he was too bold...if we can read a license plate...from satellites in the just leads me to believe somebody told a long as there's an oppressor...somewhere we'll find the oppressed...and rich men wanting power...will put the gun to the test.......

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Who Commits The Crime

Some say it's the longer knit in bonds...of love and faith and caring...that's made our world go wrong.......Some say it's the upstart...the rebels soon to be...the rulers of a nation...of anarchist-too-free.......Some say it's our leaders...who lead us too confused...and never cared about us...but that we're theirs to use.......Some say it's our God...who's turned a faithless back...who made a world then screwed it up...and left and said that's that.......Some say well it's all our fault...we did'nt do it right...we killed the trees pollute the skies...we waste destroy we did'nt try.......I say if we stop and look...and look inside ourselves...and search for truth respect the proof...succeed the place we've failed.......Begin to teach the children...that life's a comes in many shapes and forms...creating destiny.......And destiny is a product...mostly of our faith...and faiths on a plane...that translates love far above all hate.......If you believe in something...belief will make it dont believe in hatred...or hate will become you.......Don't give way to jealousy...nothings worth that only burns up energy...that you can't feel or touch.......Think before you listen...hear before you see...Use your love like energy...a fuel to set you free.......Free from every prejudice...unkind word or thought...set your soul in're sure it can't be lost.......Rhyming words are easy...but it's the words you rhyme...that sometimes make decisions...of who commits the crime.......