Saturday, July 17, 2010

As Long As There's An Oppressor

As long as there's an oppressor...somewhere we'll find the oppressed...and rich men wanting power...will put the gun to the test.......A soldier boy from hometown...will always lose his life...believing he's protecting...his country, his children, his wife......His children become fatherless...his wife will still be taxed...his country justifies his death...while leaders hide the facts.......They tell us war is necessary...maybe this is true...but war is never truly war...until that war hits you...We should be educated...and civilized and bright...but we can't solve a problem...without a real good fight.......We're lost in prejudice and war, poverty and drugs...and don't like to be reminded...we reason just like thugs...How can we reform the crook...give him prison time...when the means we use to get results...are synonymous to crime.......What is sociology, psychology,just words?...Where is our philosophy, our courage, patience, nerve?...Do we only value humane life...just when the stakes aren't high...Is our last consideration war?...Do our leaders lie?...Through peace some men have proved love,Gandhi, King, and Christ that mountains can be moved...without taking other life...but maybe those are'nt  good examples...because they killed them too...No wonder there are few true leaders...with those rewards would you?.......So we wait till we've destroyed...a hundred million souls...and blame it on one foolish man...and claim he was too bold...if we can read a license plate...from satellites in the just leads me to believe somebody told a long as there's an oppressor...somewhere we'll find the oppressed...and rich men wanting power...will put the gun to the test.......

1 comment:

  1. So powerful Dane...this brought tears to my eyes. A Good cry... ever so true how those "who have proved love" have been killed.
